The Singular Malt.™
Traditional yet different, Brenne breaks the mold for single malts with its signature smooth and approachable taste, uniting people around a truly original spirit.
Tasting NotesMasterful Terroir.
Crafted from locally indigenous heirloom barley farmed on-site, and proofed using water from the Charente river, Brenne is a 100% organic uniquely seed-to-spirit whisky.
Our StoryWorld’s Best Single Malt.
Wizards of Whisky Awards, 2015
The handsome older sibling, Brenne Ten is an extremely limited bottling, marrying only four casks per vintage. It shares its sister’s DNA, but with a complex 10-year-old expression and creamy, toasty maturity all its own.
From Ballet to Booze.
Meet our founder, Allison Parc, the former professional ballerina turned baller-ina who traded her flats for flasks.